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Learning Lenormand- Card #19, Tower

In Lenormand card reading, the Tower card typically represents institutions, authority, and tradition. The card depicts a tall structure, usually a tower or a castle, with a door and several windows. This card suggests a sense of stability, security, and protection, but it can also indicate a rigid and inflexible system.

When the Tower card appears in a reading, it may suggest a need for structure and order, or it could indicate that the querent is dealing with an organization or bureaucracy. The card can also signify isolation or separation, as the tower often represents a fortress or a place of confinement.

Depending on the surrounding cards in the reading, the Tower can have different meanings. For example, if it appears with the Key card, it may indicate a breakthrough or unlocking of a long-standing problem. On the other hand, if it appears with the Coffin card, it could signify an ending or loss related to an institution or tradition. It's important to note that the meaning of the Tower card in Lenormand is not the same as the meaning of the Tower in the Tarot.

As with any tarot or divination card, the interpretation of the Tower card can vary based on the context of the reading and the individual reader's interpretation.

The Tower Lenormand Card
The Tower Lenormand Card


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