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Learning Lenormand- Card #22, Crossroads

The Lenormand Crossroads Card, also known as "The Path," is a card in the Lenormand deck of tarot cards that symbolizes decision-making, choices, and options. The card depicts a fork in the road, with two paths leading in different directions. The Crossroads Card suggests that the querent is at a crossroads in their life and must make a choice that will affect their future.

The Crossroads Card can also indicate the need to be flexible and adaptable in the face of changing circumstances. The card suggests that the querent may need to consider multiple options or approaches to a situation before making a decision.

In some cases, the Crossroads Card can also suggest a feeling of being stuck or trapped in a situation with no clear way forward. The querent may need to think creatively or seek advice from others to find a way out of the predicament.

Overall, the Lenormand Crossroads Card is a powerful symbol of choice and decision-making, urging the querent to carefully consider their options and choose a path that aligns with their goals and values.

The Crossroads Lenormand Card
The Crossroads Lenormand Card


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