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Learning Lenormand- Card #26, Book

The Lenormand Book Card is one of the 36 cards in a Lenormand deck and is often associated with knowledge, secrets, learning, and hidden information. In a Lenormand reading, the Book Card can represent the acquisition of new knowledge or the uncovering of information that was previously unknown or hidden.

The Book Card can also indicate the importance of education, studying, and research. It may suggest that the querent should pursue further education or delve deeper into a particular topic in order to gain a better understanding. Alternatively, the Book Card can indicate the need to keep certain information or knowledge hidden or confidential, either for personal reasons or due to external circumstances.

Depending on the context of the reading, the Book Card may have different meanings. For example, it can suggest the need to keep secrets or maintain confidentiality in a particular situation, or it can indicate the uncovering of secrets and hidden information that may change the course of events. The Book Card can also be interpreted as a symbol of mystery, intrigue, or the unknown, suggesting that there is much more to be discovered and understood about a particular situation or topic.

Overall, the Book Card in a Lenormand reading represents the acquisition and exploration of knowledge, as well as the importance of secrecy and confidentiality.

The Book Lenormand Card
The Book Lenormand Card


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