The Lenormand Cross card is one of the 36 cards in the Lenormand deck, which is commonly used for divination and fortune-telling. The Cross card typically features a Christian cross, often with additional symbols or elements.
In a reading, the Cross card can have several different meanings depending on the surrounding cards and the question being asked. However, there are a few common interpretations that can be applied to the Cross card in general.
Firstly, the Cross card can represent a burden or a difficult situation that the querent is currently facing. This could be a physical or emotional burden, such as a chronic illness or a stressful relationship. The Cross card can also indicate a sense of obligation or responsibility, such as caring for an elderly relative or fulfilling a promise that was made long ago.
Another possible interpretation of the Cross card is that it represents faith or spirituality. This could be a personal belief system or a specific religion that the querent practices. The Cross card can suggest that the querent is seeking guidance or support from a higher power, or that they are relying on their faith to get them through a challenging time.
Additionally, the Cross card can indicate sacrifice or selflessness. This could mean that the querent is putting the needs of others before their own, or that they are making a difficult choice that will benefit others at their own expense. The Cross card can also suggest that the querent is willing to endure hardship or suffering in order to achieve a greater goal or purpose.
In some cases, the Cross card can be a literal symbol of death or the end of a cycle. This could mean the end of a relationship, a job, or a phase of life. However, it's important to note that the Cross card doesn't always represent literal death, and its meaning should be interpreted in context with the other cards in the spread.
Overall, the Lenormand Cross card is a complex and multifaceted symbol that can represent a range of ideas and emotions. Its meaning in a reading will depend on the individual circumstances and the interpretation of the reader or querent.

Muchas gracias por la información, muy completa