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Lenormand Ship + Key + Dog

In Lenormand card reading, each card has its own individual meaning, and when combined with other cards, they create unique combinations that convey specific messages or insights. Let's break down the combination of the Ship, Key, and Dog cards:

  1. Ship: The Ship card in Lenormand is often associated with journeys, travel, and movement. It can also represent foreign influences or a change in location or environment.

  2. Key: The Key card represents solutions, answers, and opportunities. It signifies unlocking something important or finding the right path.

  3. Dog: The Dog card typically represents loyalty, friendship, and companionship. It can also indicate a trustworthy person or someone who is supportive.

When you combine these three cards, the Ship + Key + Dog combination could be interpreted as:

"Finding a solution or opportunity related to travel or a journey that involves loyal or supportive companionship."

In a practical context, this combination might suggest that you'll discover a key solution or opportunity related to a trip or journey, and you'll have the support and loyalty of someone close to you during this time. The exact interpretation can depend on the specific question or context of the reading and the surrounding cards.


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