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Top 20 reasons to learn how to read Lenormand Cards!

Lenormand cards and Tarot cards are both popular forms of divination, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. While some people may prefer Tarot cards, others find Lenormand cards more appealing for various reasons. Here is a list of reasons why Lenormand cards might be preferable over Tarot cards for some individuals:

  1. Simplicity: Lenormand decks typically have fewer cards (36) compared to Tarot decks (78), making them easier to learn and master for beginners.

  2. Clarity: Lenormand cards offer straightforward and direct answers, often with clear, practical advice.

  3. Specificity: Lenormand cards tend to provide concrete, detailed answers, which can be particularly useful for answering specific questions.

  4. Structured system: Lenormand cards follow a structured system with fixed card meanings and combinations, providing a consistent framework for interpretation.

  5. Storytelling: Lenormand readings often tell a coherent story or narrative, which can be easier for clients to understand and relate to.

  6. Quick readings: Lenormand readings are typically faster and more efficient, making them suitable for answering straightforward questions.

  7. Real-life applications: Lenormand cards are known for their practicality and can offer guidance on daily life decisions, relationships, and other tangible matters.

  8. Versatility: Lenormand cards can be combined with other divination systems, like Tarot or astrology, to provide a more comprehensive reading.

  9. Minimal symbolism: Lenormand cards have simpler and more universally understood symbols, making them approachable to a wider audience.

  10. Non-psychological focus: Lenormand readings are often less introspective and focus more on external factors and situations.

  11. Less intimidating: The smaller Lenormand deck can be less intimidating for those who find Tarot's larger deck overwhelming.

  12. Objective approach: Lenormand cards are often seen as providing objective advice, which can be helpful for decision-making.

  13. Predictive accuracy: Some people claim that Lenormand cards are more accurate in predicting events and outcomes.

  14. Compatibility with numerology: Lenormand cards are often integrated with numerology, which can add depth to readings.

  15. Consistency in interpretation: The meanings of Lenormand cards are relatively fixed, which ensures that readings maintain a consistent interpretation over time.

  16. No reversed cards: Lenormand cards are typically read upright, avoiding the complexity of reversed Tarot cards.

  17. Accessibility for beginners: Lenormand is often considered a good starting point for those new to divination, as it provides a structured and less complex system.

  18. Less emphasis on intuition: Lenormand relies less on intuition and more on memorized card meanings and combinations, which can be appealing to those who prefer a structured approach.

  19. Practical decision-making: Lenormand cards can be especially helpful for making practical decisions, such as in business, finance, or daily life choices.

  20. It's fun!

It's important to note that the preference for Lenormand or Tarot cards ultimately depends on individual preferences, the type of questions being asked, and the reader's style. Some practitioners even choose to use both systems in their practice to benefit from the strengths of each.


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