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Cosmic Car Wash- BASIC

Cosmic Car Wash- BASIC

🌌 The Cosmic Car Wash - BASIC 🌌

Are you ready to experience profound healing and balance? My **Basic Cosmic Car Wash** Psychic Energy Healing service offers a transformative journey through the energetic realms, working on all your chakras and aura to restore harmony and vitality. 🌈💫


**Chakras: The Energy Vortexes** 🌀


I focus on both the **7 basic chakras**:

- **Crown Chakra**: Top of the head 👑

- **Brow Chakra (Third Eye)**: Forehead 👁️

- **Throat Chakra**: Throat 🎤

- **Heart Chakra**: Energetic heart ❤️

- **Solar Plexus**: Above the belly button ☀️

- **Sacral Chakra**: Below the belly button 🌊

- **Base Chakra**: Under the torso 🌍


And the **12 extended chakras**, which include:

- **Soul Star Chakra**: 15cm above the head ✨

- **Thymus Chakra**: Above the heart chakra 💚

- **Hara Chakra**: Belly button 🌟

- **Link Chakra**: Between your knees ⚡

- **Earth Star Chakra**: 15cm below your feet 🌿


I will also clear your Aura-

**Aura: The Energetic Field** 🌌


Your aura, the vibrant field around your physical body, consists of:

- Physical (energy) body 🏃

- Emotional energy body 💖

- Mental energy body 🧠

- Spiritual energy body 🌟


Each chakra connects to a dimension and has a corresponding energy body, creating a comprehensive system of energy flow and balance. 🌈


**Why Choose a Cosmic Car Wash from Pisces?** 🤔


✨ **Holistic Healing**: I address every aspect of your being, ensuring complete harmony.

✨ **Experienced Practitioners**: I’m a skilled Reiki master with 15 years experience and I’m attuned to the subtle energies, providing personalized sessions. I work with your Spirit Team to clear and refresh your "Cosmic Car", which is simply the energetic vehicle your Soul inhabits as you exist here on Earth.

✨ **Deep Relaxation**: Feel stress melt away as you enter a state of profound peace and tranquility.


Transform your life with the power of my **Basic Cosmic Car Wash**  service. Experience the balance, clarity, and inner peace that comes from a fully harmonized energy system. 🌟


🌿 **Book Now** and embark on your journey to wellness! 🌿


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